Thursday, 18 June 2009

Media Left to Assess Volume of Clapping

Such is the nature of this week's 2016 Olympic bid city presentations behind closed doors, the media are left clinging on to the smallest clues to assess their success.

The two most common questions asked to the cities are 'how loud was the applause you received?' and 'how many questions did IOC members ask you?'

Spanish IOC member Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr, who attended the four city presentations, said Madrid was asked fewer questions than the other cities.

He speculated that this may have been because it was the last presentation of the day.

Speaking in Spanish, he told the press conference: 'The number of questions is no indication of the success of the presentation because if I look at the whole day there were less questions every time. I really don't know whether to attribute this to tiredness or lack of interest.'

He was quick to insist his answer had been badly translated. 'They were maybe a bit tired […] but certainly didn't lack interest. They were very interested,' he said in English.

As for applause, Samaranch said: 'There's nothing specific in IOC protocol that tells us we have to applaud or how long or loud we should applaud. I think it's just a matter of education. When we finished we received very warm applause.'

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